Although the education sector is the one most influenced by humans, Artificial Intelligence has slowly begun to seep its roots into the education sector as well. Even in the education sector, this slow transition of Artificial Intelligence has helped increase productivity among faculties and helped them concentrate more on students than office or administration work.

Some of these applications in this sector include:

Administrative Tasks Automated to Aid Educators

Artificial Intelligence can help educators with non-educational tasks like task-related duties like facilitating and automating personalized messages to students, back-office tasks like grading paperwork, arranging and facilitating parent and guardian interactions, routine issue feedback facilitating, managing enrollment, courses, and HR-related topics. 

Creating Smart Content

Digitization of content like video lectures, conferences, and textbook guides can be made using Artificial Intelligence. We can apply different interfaces like animations and learning content through customization for students from different grades. 

Artificial Intelligence helps create a rich learning experience by generating and providing audio and video summaries and integral lesson plans.

Voice Assistants

Without even the direct involvement of the lecturer or the teacher, a student can access extra learning material or assistance through Voice Assistants. Through this, printing costs of temporary handbooks and also provide answers to very common questions easily